New Year’s resolutions tend to be themed around ‘I’m going to lose so much weight you can’t see me when I turn to one side’, or ‘I’m going
to write an ENTIRE BOOK and it will definitely be a best seller’.
We need to calm down a bit. Take it easy. Make our resolutions achievable things that make us feel good when we manage them, not sad
and ashamed when we mess up.
One thing that’s worth committing to this year is yourself – your wellbeing, your happiness, and your general mental health.
The great thing is that there is no failure. If you’re dedicating some time and care for your mental health, you’re already doing something
Here are a few resolutions that will help you along the way.
1. Meditate
Try the Headspace app to get started. You’ll probably feel a bit silly at first, but meditation really can work wonders – even if it’s just to give
you a few minutes of true calm.
2. Schedule in some quality alone time
Spend some time alone doing something that makes you genuinely happy and relaxed – whatever that may be.
Do it at least once a week, and make sure to actually schedule it in your planner with a set time and day. Why? So you’ll actually commit to some me time (or masturdating, if you prefer).
3. Keep track of your moods
Get out the planner again, and start making a little note each day of how you’re feeling, even if it’s just a smiley/sad face.
This will help you stay on top of when a bad day has become a bad month, and lets you see if there’s any damaging patterns emerging.
4. And each day, write down something good that happened
It can be something tiny, like ‘excellent doughnut at lunchtime’ or big, like ‘got offered my dream job’. Putting a positive slant on your day will help you feel more positive overall.
Plus, at the end of the year you get to look back at 365 days of great things that have happened. Which is nice.
5. Open up to the people you care about
They need to know what’s going on so they can step in and help when necessary.
Plus, talking about whatever you’re going through helps you deal with it.
6. And on that note, make sure you spend time with those people
Loneliness helps no one. Try to stay social and get out of your own head for a bit. Surround yourself with lovely, supportive people. It helps.
7. Take a break when you need it
It’s easy to get into a strange mindset of always needing to be at work because there’s so much stuff to do/it’s your job to be there/people might secretly resent you when you’re not there.
Dudes, you have holiday time for a reason. You’re supposed to take time off to relax and recharge. Do it.
(Related: stop saying so late at work every day. You’re only going to get run down. You’re allowed to leave on time.)
8. Find a hobby you love
It doesn’t matter what it is. If it makes you feel happy, relaxed, and fulfilled, it’s worth doing.
Make this the year you find your ‘thing’.
9. Learn self-help techniques for times of stress
Do some research into cognitive behavioural therapy and self-hypnosis. This is no susbstitute for professional help, but it’s incredibly helpful to have some techniques that work for you when you’re in the middle of a panic attack or depressive episode.
10. Get more sleep
There is not a person in the world who’s their best self on too little sleep.
Try getting into bed 10 minutes earlier each night for a few weeks. Eventually you’ll be getting an extra hour of sleep and feeling the benefits.
11. Learn to be okay with saying ‘no’
People will understand if you’re not up for hanging out, taking on extra work, or doing them a time-consuming favour.
Make it your resolution to become okay with saying no when you need to. Seriously, no one will hold it against you.
12. Give up on that New Year’s diet
Because it’s most likely much too strict and not doable long term – you’re just going to feel guilty and disappointed in yourself when you give in to your natural instincts and eat whatever you’re craving.
Don’t make eating healthily a succeed/fail mission. Try to implement healthier changes if you need to, but give yourself a break when you fancy a plate of nachos.
13. Stop the comparisons
As everyone on your Instagram keeps saying (and originally, Theodore Roosevelt): ‘Comparison is the thief of joy.’ And it’s true.
Make a conscious effort to stop comparing yourself to others. You’re doing your thing, they’re doing theirs.
Every time you find yourself spotting the difference, pause, stop, and tell yourself one cool thing about what they’re doing that inspires you, and one cool thing that you’re doing.
It’ll help you get into the mindset of ‘hey, we can both be amazing’ rather than ‘this person is better than me at this, this, and this’.
14. Put a stop to damaging relationships
If your ‘friend’ makes you feel like crap whenever you spend time together, it’s okay to end the relationship. You’re not a failure, it’s not worth keeping them around, and you’ll feel so much better once it’s done.
Life is way too short to keep negative people around.
15. Do something physical at least once a
Yes, it can feel impossible to get out of bed when you’re in a serious down period (and if you’ve reached that point, we’d reccomend talking to your GP).
But for usual day-to-day happiness, a little bit of exercise is magical. All those fit people weren’t lying about the power of endorphins – they’ll flood your system and make you feel loads better.
Plus – if you choose the right exercise – it can be a great way to vent any stress and anger. Boxing, running are both great for that, while yoga, pilates, and swimming are ideal as soothing downtime.
Or just walk around on a Sunday. It helps, promise.
16. Take some time out to assess the past year
Were you dissatisfied with your job? Living situation? Relationship?
Dedicate some time in the New Year to reflect on 2015 and how you’re really doing. If there are any negatives you’re able to change, start working on doing that.
17. Talk to yourself like a friend
Whenever you find your mental voice being super critical, stop, take a moment, and ask yourself if you’d say the same stuff to a friend. Or your nan.
If you wouldn’t, put a stop to it, stat.
Rephrase it so it’s friend/nan-ready (ie. positive and helpful, not mean). Then go ahead.
18. Try something new
Don’t get too stuck in routines. Make 2016 the year you try at least one thing that scares (and excites) you a little bit, whether it’s finally doing that pottery class or just speaking up in meetings.
You’ll feel really accomplished, and mind find you actually like that thing that terrified you last year.
19. Really take a look at how you’re spending your time each day
You’ll probably notice that you’re spending about three hours a day scrolling through the internet or watching TV you don’t even like.
A new way to look at the things you use to fill your time: is it helping you achieve your future goals? Does it make you feel good? If it’s a no on both, you shouldn’t be doing it.
Because really, why are we ‘relaxing’ by doing things we don’t enjoy.
20. Get help if you need it
Maybe it’s medication, maybe it’s therapy, maybe it’s just talking to your family and telling them you need some support.
Whatever it is you need, you don’t need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about asking for it.
It’s okay. You deserve to feel good, and happy, and fulfilled. If you need a little help doing that, commit to getting it.
It’ll be scary at first, but the benefits are endless.
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