Thursday, November 26, 2015

Habits to Improve Your Life

8 Habits to Stop Now to Improve Your Life

Alicia T. Glenn | 

1. Stop making excuses. 
You are responsible for your success or lack there of, don't blame others.
2. Stop caring about what other people think.
Don't aim to please others or fit in; aim to please yourself. People will admire you for being authentic and following your passion.
3. Stop thinking and start doing.
Stop reading, researching, preparing, and start taking action. You will never be perfectly ready, so sometimes you have to just hit the gas and go.
4. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
You can't change what has happened to you in the past, so focus on creating a brighter future.
5. Stop being jealous.
If you are envious of what someone else has, that means you don't think you can get it for yourself. You're just as capable as the person that has what you want, so go get it.
6. Stop taking life so seriously.
Take time to stop and smell the roses. Enjoy your journey.
7. Stop asking for help.
Don't develop a "help mentality," learn to trust your own abilities.
8. Stop letting fear hold you back.
It's natural to be scared or nervous at times, but in order to grow you have to push yourself outside your comfort zone.

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